Diffusion coatings

Diffusion coatings are mainly used when high temperature and contact corrosion, oxidation, sulphidation and wear become a problem for standard materials.
These coatings as single or multi-layer systems are produced by heat treatment and permit surfaces to achieve a strong bond with the base material and thus above-average adhesion values.
By combining classic with innovative coating processes (e.g. electroplating, slurry coating and CVD) as well as standardised with novel heat treatment processes, these diffusion coatings can be applied to most commercially available materials. As a result, much cheaper standard materials can be used for much higher requirements.
- classic as well as modified aliti layers and inchromic layers (oxidation/wear protection)
- Durichrom 1700 extremely hard chromium carbide diffusion coating with a coating hardness of more than 1700HV0.01 as wear protection
- ZnAl(Mg) diffusion coatings for corrosion protection
- Soldered joints of metals
- Diffusion bonding